Your Christian Life Coach

Holiness, Purity and Connection to Anger

We are all striving for holiness and purity. The two are uniquely tied together, co-dependent upon each other. Holiness is reached by the mind. Holiness is revealed to you by the Father. You know what he wants you to do and the goal is to do it.

Purity is however attained by way of our heart. To attain purity, we must get rid of all anger.
You must get rid of all anger towards: YHWH ( G-d), life trauma, people and yourself. All anger must be purified from the heart before a holy life pursuit can be put fully into action. Anger must be replaced with things like: love, patience, gratitude, forgiveness, appreciation and kindness. Purification and holiness cannot be attained until all anger is expelled from the human heart.

Now is the time for Holy Spirit to cast out the Spirit of Anger!

Action: Take out a piece of paper.
Pray: Holy Spirit reveal to me any areas of anger in my life so that I can purify and pursue a holy life.
Also reveal anyone that I need to forgive or anyone I need to ask for forgiveness.

Then, answer the following questions.
Are you angry about a situation?
Are you angry about past trauma?
Are you angry with YHWH ( G-d)?
Are you angry about your life? Fairness?
Are you angry at a person, persons or entity?

Think about your entire life. Do you feel any anger or irritation, if so write it down. If you are constantly bringing up a certain story or source of pain or trauma- write it down. Ask YHWH ( G-d) to heal in you in each situation and with each person. Forgiveness is tied to so many things, including your overall health. As you let go of anger you must also forgive. This exercise will change so much in the spiritual realm; you will feel much lighter, happier and more at peace.

Here is a simple prayer to address anger and forgiveness.
Father, I forgive ____________ for ___________ which made me feel ______________. I release ( person) to you and I ask for all anger towards ____________ to be completely removed from my mind, body and spirit. I pray that you will give me complete shalom ( peace) regarding ___________. I pray blessings and peace over (person). Transform both of us with your love, mercy and forgiveness. In Yahshua’s ( Jesus) name we pray Amen.

Real Life Reminder: A lot of anger, outbursts, irritations and conflict can be avoided just by staying quiet. My motto is “walk away and pray.” Our mouths are a tool that Satan uses to divide, conquer and cause us to stumble.
This takes prayer and practice.

Scripture of Day: James 1: 19-20
Listening and Doing
19 My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, 20 because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.

Hebrew Insight: G-d can be referred by many titles one of which is El Shaddai. “El Shaddai” is found 7 times in the bible (five times in Genesis, once in Exodus, and once in Ezekiel.) One of the meanings is tied to Dai which means enough, meaning that He is all we need; He’s ENOUGH. Certain roots of this word are linked to the parental role, the love that is passed from G-d to His child- YOU. The connection is that He nourishes, supplies all our needs and He is our Mighty protector. So if you hear someone call G-d El Shaddai, now you know…

I have a passion and compassion for people, and I love YHWH ( God) with all my heart and soul. It is my higher calling to share the teachings and love of Jesus (Yahshua) through: writing, praying, teaching and public speaking. In the Mighty name of our Messiah, through the Holy Spirits help, I passionately help set captives free from strongholds. Together with His Power, we destroy the enemy and his schemes. This frees you to live a purposeful, joyful and fulfilling life for Christ.

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