Your Christian Life Coach

Your Christian Life Coach: Optimizing Positive Thoughts & Actions.

  • Your Christian Life Coach

    Practice Listening to Holy Spirit

    Listening to the small still voice, takes practice. Sometimes you really think you’re hearing clear direction. Many times the noise of life drowns out our ability to hear YHWH.  One day, we let the dog out and soon realized that no one let him back into the house. He was long gone.  I worry about him when he takes off because he hunches down in the grass and sometimes chases cars. His herding instinct takes over.  Don’t want anything to happen to my  little co-dependent friend, who is with me all the time. So I jumped in the car and started going down the familiar streets where I take him…

  • Your Christian Life Coach

    The Neglected Garden

    It has been so hot, I mean blistering hot with humidity. I typically, like to work in my yard, enjoy my flowers and time in the garden. But since it has been so hot, I have ignored the yard. The grass is burnt up, the weeds have taken over, the leaves on my plants are burnt, and I have plants violating other plants. Nothing looks manicured. This weekend, we decided to do some much needed work. Letting things go this long, the clean up is hard work. Not to mention we have a nice size hole, a den in the flower bed in two locations. I’m thinking the fox I…

  • Your Christian Life Coach

    Faith Casts Away Fear

    9/7/2019 Quiet time with Holy Spirit.  Some people have internal fears that manifest as anger,  disconnect, anxiety, nervousness, even comedy. Some people have external evidence like shaking, headaches, high blood pressure, bad dreams, cold sores and hair loss. Often we mask our fears with bad coping skills like drinking-drugs, over eating, affairs, unhealthy flirtation, panic attacks and we make reckless-foolish choices.  Regardless of how you display fear, fear is a lack of trust in Yah, and only faith will overcome it. If you trust, then when the waves start splashing, the boat begins to rock and the waters reach over the bough, you will  not  go to the place of fear…

  • Your Christian Life Coach


    Here is the journal Spirit led writing from 9/5/2019.  I am really encouraging all to start your day off with quiet time with the Spirit. Write down a few questions, emotions, concerns and sit quietly. Then, open your journal and let the words flow out. If you hear nothing, then open the bible, read left and right, writing down the scriptures or theme that speaks to you. We have got to get to a place where we listen more. Prayer is great but listening and reading word will allow the Holy Spirit to teach, guide and correct you.  Jude 1: 19 teaches us…. Do not follow mere natural instincts but…

  • Your Christian Life Coach


    The art of listening to the Holy Spirit and obeying takes practice. I’ve been really trying to start my day by asking the Holy Spirit to teach me, speak to me on different things on my mind or just give me a lesson. Then, I quietly wait for the thoughts to come in and begin journaling. Some days it’s a specific question or frustration. Some days I have no mindful agenda or topic. Today, I did not have a specific question. This is what came through.   Like two swords fighting in a dual are darkness and light. The living WORD is the Sword to fight the sword of captivity.…

  • Your Christian Life Coach

    Do the Right Thing Every Time.

    Yesterday, Brax and I were at Costco. When we were leaving, we noticed what seemed to be a 1000 baskets in a random place crowded around a tree making it impossible for many car spots to be used. It seems that one person left a basket under the tree near the curb instead of walking it to the basket cage. Then, another person did. Then, another.  It was crazy how many people lazily didn’t choose to do the right thing and put their basket up in the proper place.  Perhaps, they justified because there were so many baskets cluttered.  Braxton looked over there and said, ” I kind of feel…

  • Your Christian Life Coach

    50 teachings of Yahshua

    Do Not Resist An Evil Person Matthew 5: 38-3938“You have heard that itwas said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ 39But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. When I read this, I think about my son who was bullied at school. The parent in me wanted him to defend but the follower of Jesus is so proud of how he did not respond in anger or outburst. At the beginning of 8th grade, Slade was stabbed pretty violently in his hand by a kid at school in Spanish class, we will…

  • Your Christian Life Coach

    A Purposeful Smile

    Often, I go to the grocery store, and I’m amazed that people pass by who don’t make eye contact and refuse to smile. They pass by quickly as If I am invisible. Some days, I’m like, ” Father, I want out of here. What is wrong with everyone? “ I day dream about being beamed up to paradise in some kind of a rapture. Ever so often, I will pass someone with a light in their eyes and a smile on their face, sharing some friendly shopping small talk. But boy is that a rare occasion.  A lot of the workers in the stores are also in their own little…

  • Your Christian Life Coach

    Action Louder Than Words.

    James 2: 18: Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds.  ” Mom, we love you. ”  ” Well you guys sure aren’t showing it. I’m sick and this house is a complete mess. Nobody is helping. ”  ” We do love you , Mom” Now of course, I know that my kids love me. But when you are sick, and feeling sorry for yourself, boy can you get disappointed when people don’t help. We can claim we love God, but do we show Him? There must be good deeds,  to back up what we profess.  Actions really speak louder than words.…

  • Your Christian Life Coach

    A Different Kind of Fast

    Why is it when we take the cell phone or television away from our kids they act like they are having a crack withdraw? You would not believe the response at my house from my son when we took away his cell phone and television. My husband started singing the R.E. M Friend’s song, ” It’s the end of the world as we know it. ” Seriously, there were tears, a tantrum, a walk out, some throwing of dishes, all because the electronics were taken for a time. It wasn’t for punishment either. It was just because he’s so exhausted, staying up to late and needs rest. But I must…