Your Christian Life Coach


The art of listening to the Holy Spirit and obeying takes practice. I’ve been really trying to start my day by asking the Holy Spirit to teach me, speak to me on different things on my mind or just give me a lesson. Then, I quietly wait for the thoughts to come in and begin journaling. Some days it’s a specific question or frustration. Some days I have no mindful agenda or topic. Today, I did not have a specific question. This is what came through.  

Like two swords fighting in a dual are darkness and light. The living WORD is the Sword to fight the sword of captivity. If he, Satan, captures your thoughts with fear in any form, you are losing the dual. Keep your mind in line with THE SPIRIT and the  Holy Spirit within you will destroy the suppressive spirit of captivity. 

Can you visualize two claws on your shoulders with a monster whispering doubt, fear and words of oppression?  The Father of lies feeds the starving soul with bad food: bad thoughts. The Bread of Life, the Living Word,  filled with good instruction, perfect love and hope will fill you up, so full that you will not be able to digest one word from the enemy. You will spew out the foul, rotting words and thoughts of despair. You will completely combat with truth tossing the lies into the minefield of destruction instead of the “mind-field” between your ears. A Spirit driven life, feeds the soul, equips you to overcome the battle of daily duality. There is no dual when the Sword of the Spirit vibrantly, passionately and skillfully thrives within you.  Like a LIGHT beaming brightly off a SWORD, is  the Holy Spirit of Truth and  Peace that lives within you.  

            Duality: Who Wins Today? 

Sword of Spirit            Sword of Captivity

 Life                                       Death

Free                                     Restricted

Loved                                 Rejected

Truth                                  Lies

In My Mind today, my thoughts spoke :Romans 8. I encourage you to read all of it.  It may inspire your journaling.

Here is the scripture that goes with this Spirit led journaling.

Romans 8: 5-8 Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so. Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God.


Spirit Listening Challenge

  • Get a Journal & Pen, Grab your Bible.
  • Write down a few questions, feelings, situations or people that have been on your mind. 
  • Say a quick prayer asking Holy Spirit to teach you. Then be quiet and listen. As the thoughts come in, write them down. If you are having trouble getting anything. Then, lay your hands on the bible and think about your question. Open the bible randomly- read the pages on left, right and before and after. Write down key phrases that speak to you. 






I have a passion and compassion for people, and I love YHWH ( God) with all my heart and soul. It is my higher calling to share the teachings and love of Jesus (Yahshua) through: writing, praying, teaching and public speaking. In the Mighty name of our Messiah, through the Holy Spirits help, I passionately help set captives free from strongholds. Together with His Power, we destroy the enemy and his schemes. This frees you to live a purposeful, joyful and fulfilling life for Christ.

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