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Would Jesus Do Easter?

We Washed Everyone’s Feet At Our Passover Celebration, Just As Jesus did!
Everyone received a blessing!

“Do not worship the LORD your God in the way these pagan peoples worship their gods. Deuteronomy 12: 4

Jeremiah 10:2 commands us to “Learn not the way of the heathen”

2 Thessalonians 2:15 demands that we do not follow the “traditions of men.”

1 Corinthians 5:7
7 “Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us:”

Passover is a feast that is “everlasting”, for strangers and natives of Israel according to scripture.

Jesus is the King of The Jews. He completes the promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, he is their promised King & Messiah, the Savior to Israel. If he is your king, that makes you part of Israel, part of that Kingdom- grafted into the tree by YHWH. ( Romans 11: 17-24). As a Jew, Your Messiah, Jesus did Passover every year with his family. ( Luke 2: 41) In fact, all the original disciples did Passover. 

Acts 18:21 tells us how the Apostle Paul sailed from Ephesus so that he could “keep this feast that comes in Jerusalem.” Acts 27:9 tells us how Paul kept “the fast”, meaning Yom Kippur, the Holiest Jewish Day on the year. In (Acts 20:13-16), we see Paul rearranging his schedule to be in Jerusalem for Pentecost. Paul was a Pharisee of A Pharisee, that was deep in his veins.

They had no pagan mixing to their feasts or worship. They feared God. They still obeyed God’s laws and the required feasts. The only difference is that Jesus was the final lamb, he put an end to the animal sacrifices. Our sins were covered by his blood.

A Few things that really bug me about the Roots of Easter.

  1. 1st Nicaea Council in 325 established date of Easter as 1st Sunday after the full moon, following March Equinox. This was an accommodation to spring pagan festivals. There is no biblical instructions for celebrating this way or the name itself is evil. The ecclesiastical decree of Rome made a decision to supersede Christ’s personal example as recorded in the Gospels.
  2. Constantine adopted pagan rituals and symbols in effort to convert his kingdom because people are emotionally tied to traditions.
  3. Easter according to a 7th/8th century Monk Bede, is named after the Goddess Eostre, “bringer of light” in whom the feasts were celebrated. The name itself is tied to several fertility pagan Goddesses like Ishtar.
  4. Ishtar’s Sunday and was celebrated with rabbits and eggs. … The priest of Easter would sacrifice infants (human babies) and take the eggs of Easter/Ishtar, as symbols of fertility, and die them in the blood of the sacrificed infants. HORRIFYING TO ME that My Children ever participated, my heart breaks from children sacrificed in the past.
  5. The Rabbit & Egg are tied to Fertility and renewal- pagans such as Egyptians & Persians had idol statues of things like rabbits.
  6. Sunrise services: Tied to Weeping for Tammuz- Sun worship has pagan ties in scriptures like. Ezekiel 8:14–16
  7. Jesus was buried Wednesday night and rose Saturday night- Not Friday night.

We should imitate Jesus( Yahshua) in all things. When we do our Passover , we should read from our bibles about the last Passover meal. As Jesus would have recalled, we too should remember that YHWH set the Israelites free from slavery, we too are set free by the “final lamb” sent by the Father of Love.

Nowhere in the bible is it instituted to celebrate Easter, Good Friday or to do a Sunrise worship. Even the word “Sunday” comes from the venerable day of the Sun. The name Friday comes from “day of Frige”, the Germanic goddess Frigg with the Roman goddess Venus. The word Easter is linked to a spring fertility pagan goddess,Astarte. The corruption and lies is so deeply woven into our day to day fabric.

We must be careful not to mix pagan practices with true worship.

Well, It’s not what Easter means to me. So what bunny’s are cute, the Easter dresses are adorable and it’s harmless to let the kids have fun hunting eggs. It’s not what we think, it’s what God thinks. Did he ever like it when his people mixed worship with pagan customs. NO! Does our bibles warn us about worshiping in their ways? YES. Did the disciples still do Passover after? Yes, just without lamb and in remembrance of Jesus’s death.
Biblical admonition is for us to remember his death, not necessarily the resurrection

SO, why not celebrate your Messiah and the freedom we get through God’s Grace in a much more pure fashion?

Passover is much more than a fasting of yeast and leavened bread. It has a deep spiritual meaning, especially for Believers in the Messiah, Yahshua.

Before Passover week, as we take the leaven ( yeast) out of our houses, we remember that leaven really represents sin. When Jesus took bread and said this is my body, broken for you. He was offering a sinless ( unleavened) body for us. When we surrender our lives unto obedience, His blood spiritually covers the door frames of our temple. We are saved, the enemy Passes Over Us, unable to harm us.

Our body is now the Temple that houses the Holy Spirit. The temple must be pure, clean, without sin. As we clean our pantries, remove the leavened and yeast from our physical homes, to prepare for the “everlasting ordinance” according to scripture,something happens.

With each crumb and loaf that we remove, we should be reflecting on a deeper level, thinking of removing all residue of sin in our lives, like : gossiping, slander, anger, irritations, selfishness, unforgiveness and more.
This is a special week remembering the death of Jesus. During this week ask the Holy Spirit to brings forth areas of repentance.

As believers during Passover week, we should be praising, worshipping and remembering the events at Calvary. We should each day find our selves on bended knee in gratitude. Each day we should break unleavened bread and drink grape juice remembering the pain, the suffering, the anguish and the resurrection we have in him. He’s risen, risen indeed, but we must be sure we have been made new in Him too.

He had a lamb free dinner with his disciples, one that emphasized what they should do in remembrance of him, breaking bread and drinking wine- both symbols of the body and blood poured out. His last lesson involved washing the dirt off the disciples feet. They were horrified by the idea that their leader would wash their feet. He reminded them that true leaders have servants heart. What a beautiful example he set for us in his final hours.

So join me on the evening before Passover to celebrate Passover as Jesus did. I urge you to get rid of anything tied to pagan worship.

Jesus Christ, our Passover Lamb was without blemish just as the passover lamb of old (1 Peter 1:18-19).

I love doing Passover and I feel such a deep closeness to my Jewish King, Yahshua Hamashiach.

I have a passion and compassion for people, and I love YHWH ( God) with all my heart and soul. It is my higher calling to share the teachings and love of Jesus (Yahshua) through: writing, praying, teaching and public speaking. In the Mighty name of our Messiah, through the Holy Spirits help, I passionately help set captives free from strongholds. Together with His Power, we destroy the enemy and his schemes. This frees you to live a purposeful, joyful and fulfilling life for Christ.

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